QRI roundup – January 2019

Michael Edward Johnson ../people/michael-edward-johnson (Qualia Research Institute)https://www.qri.org/
January 1, 2019

Slightly delayed round-up this month; a lot going on. Notable content releases:

Romeo wrote a fantastic piece on “Why do contemplative practitioners make so many metaphysical claims?” Here are the first and last paragraphs:

To paraphrase Culadasa: awakening is a set of special insights that lead to drastically reduced suffering. This seems straightforward enough, and might lead one to question, if this is the case, why the vast landscape of teachers and practitioners making what seem to be some fairly wild claims about reality? Even if it is the case that these claims are some combination of mistaken, pedagogical in intention, reframes of more mundane points using unfortunate language etc, it would still raise the concern that these practices are, de facto, making their practitioners less connected with reality and decent epistemic standards in their mental models and communication with others. What gives?

Everything gets easier if you understand this to be an investigation of the map and not the territory. Making claims about reality based on the fact that your cartographic tools have changed is silly. In polishing the lens of our perception we see that it has a lot more scratches than we thought. And notice that we introduce new scratches on a regular basis, including in our efforts to polish it. “Isn’t this also an example of belief?” the astute reader might ask. This is explained in the Pali Canon when the Buddha explains reaching the point that the 7 factors of enlightenment themselves are the last remaining things to be seen though. Dissolving your cartographic tools is the last thing you do on your way out.

Much more there.

Meanwhile, Andrés noted that geneticists are sort of dropping the ball on studying the genetic component of hedonic set-point (the idea that each person has a natural ‘range’ of mood) and suggests much more could be done:

Genetic counseling, as an industry, is indeed about to explode (cf. Nature’s recent article: Prospective parents should be prepared for a surge in genetic data). Predictably, there will be a significant fraction of society that will question the ethics of e.g. preimplantation genetic diagnosis for psychological traits. In practice, parents who are able to afford it will power ahead, for few prospective parents truly don’t care about the (probabilistic) well-being of their future offspring. My personal worry is not so much that this won’t happen, but that the emphasis will be narrow and misguided. In particular, both predicting health and intelligence based on sequenced genomes are very active areas of research. I worry that happiness will be (relatively) neglected. Hence the importance of emphasizing all three S’s.

In truth, I think that predicting the hedonic set-point of one’s potential future kids (i.e. the average level of genetically-determined happiness) is a relatively more important project than predicting IQ (cf. A genome-wide association study for extremely high intelligence; BGI). In addition, I anticipate that genetic-based models that predict a person’s hedonic set-point will be much more accurate than those that predict IQ. As it turns out, IQ is extremely polygenetic, with predictors diffused across the entire genome, and it is a very evolutionary recent axis of variance across the population. Predictors of hedonic-set point (such as the “pain-knob gene” SCN9A and it’s variants), on the other hand, are ancient and evolutionarily preserved across the phylogenetic tree. This makes baseline happiness a likely candidate for having a straight-forward universal physiological implementation throughout the human population. Hence my prediction that polygenetic scores of hedonic-set point will be much more precise than those for IQ (or even longevity).

Given all of the above, I would posit that a great place to start would be to develop a model that predicts hedonic set-point using all of the relevant SNPs offered by 23andMe. Not only would this be “low-hanging fruit” in the field of genetic counseling, it may also be a project that is way up there, close to the top of the “to do” list in Effective Altruism (cf. Cause X; Google Hedonics).

Andrés was also interviewed on The Simulation; lots of interesting topics covered.

Finally, QRI is co-organizing a private conference on the neuroscience of meditation on Koh Phangan, Thailand, Feb 7th-10th; pictures and possibly video to follow. If you happen to be in the area, do ping me (mike at qualiaresearchinstitute dot org) and I’ll see if I can get you in. For a taste of some of the speakers/content I’d recommend Anthony Markwell’s vipassana talks and my recent article on the Neuroscience of Meditation.

— Michael Edward Johnson, Executive Director



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Johnson (2019, Jan. 1). QRI roundup – January 2019. Retrieved from https://www.qri.org/blog/january-2019

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  author = {Johnson, Michael Edward},
  title = {QRI roundup – January 2019},
  url = {https://www.qri.org/blog/january-2019},
  year = {2019}